Thursday, February 16, 2012

Juries Feedback

I thought I had it all under control and that my idea was a strong one. But after the jury's feedback I saw things in a different way that made me see the  light in the darkness. 

  • Positive feedback: 
    • I am passionate about my cause. Thats good!! ;)

  • Negative feedback: 
    • They did not get the purpose of using a finger print. They told me that a finger print is the most easy and basic thing a person can do. and how am I using it to show that those people are unique. and that the finger print is cliche and over used. 
    • Its better for me to focus on one kind of disability for example: only handicapped people. 

After that, I was so shocked with what they told me, I didn't expect that at all! then i felt that my idea was no good and i should start from scratch. 

When, I went to My Professor Mr. Prucher to discuss my feedback and understand what do I have to do to work this out. Something he said that really gave me a strong boost he said that "When you fall from a bicycle you don't ride a skate board, you jump back to the bicycle again" I started discussing my topic with him and then I came to this conclusion.

(To be continued)  


Nora said...

Awesome I'm so proud of you:D

Nuha A said...

love the name hang in there G