Monday, February 27, 2012

Step 1: The workshop

With the collaboration with Special Needs Center in Al-Khobar, KSA we have scheduled the date for the workshop to be on: 6th, March to start painting with the kids. I am also arranging the things needed for the execution of this workshop such as: volunteers to help, canvases, paint, and easels and brushes. I will also start in the branding system for fannuhum project. I have sent invitations to the other schools to join the workshop. Wish me luck! I will update you with the branding system soon. Yeeeeey!!!!!!!      

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Campaign name

After researching and trying different names. i have decided to call the campaign "fannuhum" in arabic it means "their art"

fannahum campaign Logo
(I'm open to your suggestions) 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

New Idea

Hello again...this is the plan

Step 1: Workshop
Soo... now the new idea is that i will assemble art workshops for disabled kids in 4 different schools in Saudi Arabia. Each school will have there own workshop. Each student will have there own canvas to showcase their talents.  

Step 2: Exhibition
I will place those canvases in 2 charity exhibitions. Where i will have a section to sell the children's artworks. The money generated from each art piece is for the students school. The money gathered is to help the school to get new technological equipment for the children's education.

Step 3: Senior exhibition
I will showcase my work.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Juries Feedback

I thought I had it all under control and that my idea was a strong one. But after the jury's feedback I saw things in a different way that made me see the  light in the darkness. 

  • Positive feedback: 
    • I am passionate about my cause. Thats good!! ;)

  • Negative feedback: 
    • They did not get the purpose of using a finger print. They told me that a finger print is the most easy and basic thing a person can do. and how am I using it to show that those people are unique. and that the finger print is cliche and over used. 
    • Its better for me to focus on one kind of disability for example: only handicapped people. 

After that, I was so shocked with what they told me, I didn't expect that at all! then i felt that my idea was no good and i should start from scratch. 

When, I went to My Professor Mr. Prucher to discuss my feedback and understand what do I have to do to work this out. Something he said that really gave me a strong boost he said that "When you fall from a bicycle you don't ride a skate board, you jump back to the bicycle again" I started discussing my topic with him and then I came to this conclusion.

(To be continued)  

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Campaign Name

What name can be suitable and interesting for this project. After brainstorming I came up with a couple of names that would show that this canvas is assembled in many different countries in the middle east. Such as:
-The walking canvas
-the Flying canvas
-Canvas around the world
-Moving Canvas
-The living canvas
-The Canvas of life
-The fingerprint Canvas

Finally, I decided to call it "The Flying Canvas" 


My senior project will be a collaboration project with uniquely abled people. My message is to those who are ignorant, whom have no respect to the disabled people that have a huge positive impact in our society. To begin with I will ask a number of uniquely abled individuals from all ages to print their thumbs on a canvas. This canvas will only include their fingerprints. After this part of my project is done, I will be placing it in a gallery for every one to see. The purpose of this is so people can start to realize all the misconceptions that have been made about the disabled is far from true. Therefore I hope that people have the urge to educate themselves about certain disabilities. I also intend in auctioning this piece to different organizations. In my perspective this painting has to be in governmental institutes, Universities, and public libraries. Because the significance of the space is just as important as the piece itself, as long as people view it in knowledgeable places they will realize that this is not just an abstract painting its much deeper than that. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Individuals with different abilities have always been portrayed as less equal, and that results in people treating them with pity. Sadly many consider the disabled as weak, or unable to enjoy what they consider a normal life. A lot of people treat them in narrow-mindedness and tend to keep themselves distant just for the sake of their own comfort. However as a society we must learn to acknowledge that they have a strong fingerprint in our civilization.

Even though they are different in many ways than the mass population, they have spirits, feelings and thoughts just as everyone around them. The difficulty with most people is that they don’t understand that our world is not formed by what they think is norm, our world needed and still needs individuals that are unique thinkers whether they are abled or disabled. Different is unique and unique is essential.