Friday, February 10, 2012


My senior project will be a collaboration project with uniquely abled people. My message is to those who are ignorant, whom have no respect to the disabled people that have a huge positive impact in our society. To begin with I will ask a number of uniquely abled individuals from all ages to print their thumbs on a canvas. This canvas will only include their fingerprints. After this part of my project is done, I will be placing it in a gallery for every one to see. The purpose of this is so people can start to realize all the misconceptions that have been made about the disabled is far from true. Therefore I hope that people have the urge to educate themselves about certain disabilities. I also intend in auctioning this piece to different organizations. In my perspective this painting has to be in governmental institutes, Universities, and public libraries. Because the significance of the space is just as important as the piece itself, as long as people view it in knowledgeable places they will realize that this is not just an abstract painting its much deeper than that. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

may God direct and help you to help those in need and to achieve your gools.

you Dad